Checking for Open Relay in Exchange 2007/2010


So this is a fairly common scenario & I figured I’d post an easy method to diagnose the issue. Customers will often suspect that they’re an open relay due to being placed on a blacklist or having issues sending email to certain domains. There’s some general confusion as to what constitutes as an Open Relay & even the difference between a Relay & a Submit action in SMTP terminology. Hopefully this can clear some of the confusion.


Submit = Submitting an email message to an SMTP server that is destined for a domain that exists on that server (or in that server’s environment). You’re sending it to an address that the server is authoritative for.

Relay = Submitting an email message to an SMTP server that is destined for a domain that exists in another messaging environment. You’re sending to an address that the server is not authoritative for.

So there’s nothing inherently wrong with relaying. It’s what happens if you use your Hotmail account to send an email to someone’s Gmail account. It happens every time you email someone outside of your own messaging system. The key detail is whether or not you have authenticated to the SMTP server beforehand. So when you’re using Hotmail or Exchange via Outlook/OWA then you have obviously authenticated either via an Authentication Prompt, OWA Form, or using NTLM.

So this typically comes up when a customer needs to have an application, network printer, or other device be able to send emails through Exchange (or any internal SMTP server).

So the important thing to point out here is that as long as the application/device only needs to be able to send to addresses that your SMTP server is authoritative for then it is a Submit action & not a Relay action. This just means you only need it to be able to hit a Receive Connector that allows Anonymous Submit; which is how most of the world’s SMTP servers are configured to accept email from the Internet.

However, if your application/device needs to be able to send to an address not under the authority of the local SMTP server then it will be performing an SMTP Relay action & will require additional configuration.

The recommended approach is to have the Application/Device authenticate to your SMTP server if it supports it. Alternatively, you can configure the Receive Connector (Exchange) to allow Anonymous Relaying from that Application/Device’s IP address.

For instructions please see this Microsoft Post.

This is a very common issue amongst customers because they may not be familiar with how to configure this. However, unfortunately I will often see customers make an even worse mistake; allowing Anonymous Relaying from an entire range of IP Addresses or possibly the entire Internet. It won’t take long for Internet folks with malicious intent to figure this out & start using your server to SPAM whoever they wish. This typically results in your Exchange Server’s sending IP being placed on various Blacklists which can prevent you from sending to certain email domains.


It is ALWAYS recommended to create a separate Receive Connector for this purpose. In fact I tell customers to never mess with the Default Receive Connectors if they can get away with it. But what will ultimately happen is the customer will use the steps in the Microsoft article above to enable Anonymous Relaying on their Default Receive Connector instead, which they’re probably also using as their Internet ingress point. The problem with this is that the Remote IP range of that connector is out of the box; meaning the entire Internet.

Another thing the customer might do is create a new Receive Connector for Relaying but instead of just having 1 IP address in there (the IP of their Application Server or Network Device) they’ll add an entire range or more IPs than are needed. This can get pretty complicated to troubleshoot if you have many different Receive Connectors on many different Exchange Servers in the environment.

So I’m hoping people can use my explanation to help them configure this properly as well as troubleshoot any issues they may have. In addition to that, here’s a very useful command to use in Exchange Management Shell to list out all Receive Connectors in the environment that have the Anonymous Relay permission enabled. Use this to track these connectors down & then verify the RemoteIP Ranges are properly scoped/configured to be as secure as possible.

Get-ReceiveConnector | Get-ADPermission -User “NT Authority\Anonymous Logon” | Where-Object {$_.ExtendedRights -like “ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient”} | Format-List Identity,ExtendedRights